• 05/01/2024

Digital job card

As of January 1, 2024, businesses whose main activity (based on KAD) belongs to the industry and retail sector must be included in the digital work card system. The administrative sanctions related to the implementation of the Digital Work Card System, under no. 80016/31-08-2022 (B' 4629) of ministerial decision are imposed:
i) for businesses belonging to the industry sector as above, from April 1, 2024 and
ii) for businesses belonging to the retail trade sector, above, from 2 May 2024,
iii) for both of the above industries with a number of employees not exceeding 10 from May 13, 2024.
The companies-employers in question are respectively obliged, from the above dates, to have and activate respectively, a digital work card system for all their employees with a contract or a dependent work relationship, who are employed with a physical presence at the place of employment of the company, including the employees employed in the above businesses through borrowing.

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